Long-Time Skincare Favorites

I will be the first to admit that I’m still navigating the overwhelming world of skincare, but over the years I have come across a few products that have never let me down. For a bit of context, I have fairly combination skin that is both oily and dry depending on its mood. I’m also quite prone to clogged pores. Here are a few of my ride-or die favorites.

Kiehls and I have shared a long and fruitful skin-health relationship. I first came across Kiehls when I was quite young, maybe 14 or 15? They attracted me with their simple mission (quality, artisan skincare), and their fairly reachable price-points in the skincare world. In fact, I turned my parents onto Kiehls shortly after I got into them, and they have been faithful users of the Kiehls Ultra Facial cleanser for years now. My holy grail Kiehls product is the Ultra Facial Cream. My skin can get quite angry sometimes, either from the weather, pollutants, my questionable college diet, or anything in between. This moisturizer is my go-to to soothe and heal, and it works every time.

I bounced around quite a few cleansers before finding one I loved, and the best part is you can find it pretty much anywhere. This is the Cerave Renewing SA cleanser. It has a slight salicylic acid content that I found quite helpful in warding off clogged pores. It’s gentle at the same time, and I have no issue using it around my eyes to remove makeup/etc. I think this is my third bottle, it’s a good staple!

I’ve been trying to be more intentional with self care toward my body in particular. It’s always come fairly naturally to me to take care of myself internally (wholesome diet, reasonable exercise, etc), but have this tendency to brush off external self care because I deem it “too time consuming” for my busy schedule in this season of life. However, I recently decided that is hooey, and that taking care of myself is far worth the time.

My favorite way to do this recently has been dry-brushing before my shower twice a week, and then afterwards going in with this heavenly duo for my skin. I have yet to meet a Necessaire product I don’t like, and these two are no exception. The serum inparticular has this way of melting any lotion into your skin that is sublime.

Every now and then my skin is being insane, and what I wish I could do is strip the entire top layers and slather it in the most nourishing balm available to start on a clean slate. And while I can’t do that literally, I have formed a routine that comes fairly close.

The first step is my tried and true Peter Thomas Roth Pumpkin Enzyme mask. This is a powerful exfoliant, and it does have a slight burning tingle to it that I have come to find an immense satisfaction in feeling. It quite literally takes the dead skin off. If you’ve been following along on Instagram you know that I’ve been sharing this mask for years.

The last step in the “clean slate process” is the slather. And oh have I found the perfect moisturizer for doing so. May I present the Farmacy Honey Halo moisturizer. This is one of the most rich creams I have come across, and I adore it just for that. It glides onto the skin and enriches as it goes. This cream is fairly new to me, but still a fast favorite.

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