Welcome, dear friends. <3


Hello dear friends. Since you’re here , let me take a few moments to introduce myself and how I plan to use this new, slower space.

In case we haven’t been properly introduced: hi, I’m Faith, I’m 20 years old. I’m currently studying Marketing and English Literature, and I’m due to graduate in spring of 2024. I’m personally quite looking forward to moving into a different season of life than school, but that is a blog post for another day. ;)

I adore all things cozy, and practically count my days by candles burned and cups of tea consumed.
— my little slogan

Among other things, I’m a huge bookworm, and I got my start in the world of “bookstagram” on Instagram. (What is bookstagram?) Although I no longer consider myself a “bookstagrammer”, my bookish heart is still a large part of who I consider myself to be.

While we’re at it, daydreamer might as well be my middle name. I’m always imagining the future memories and experiences I hope to one day have. This is one of the many reasons Pinterest is perhaps my favorite social media platform - it is the best way to envision all my future hopes and dreams. (My Pinterest page)

My favorite foods are all breakfast related, and if you bring me French toast or cinnamon rolls I will love you forever. If I had a day all to myself with no responsibilities you would find me gardening, painting, knitting, and spending time with my loved ones. More than anything I’m a huge believer in finding beauty in seeming chaos. There’s always a small beautiful moment around you if you look hard enough, and those tiny spurs of joy are what have gotten me through my hardest days yet. I try to use my spaces online to spread the word about small joys and other cozy antics, and I’m so honored to have you here.

I’m also an artist! Within a few months of this blog going live, I will launch my first collection of paintings on this same website. (launch date is aimed for January 2023) I have a fairly specific niche, in that my preferred material to paint on is … tea bags!

This is my own idea, and don’t ask me where it came from because I couldn’t tell you. The basic story is: I was drinking my daily cup of tea during the summer of 2022. An average Thursday, working. And I looked at my discarded teabag and thought out of the blue - what if I painted on that?

Rest assured the tea bags are thoroughly treated to be removed of all organic material and risk of rot/mildew. They might as well be paper.

From this website you can expect a few things. My hope in creating thesunalsoreads.com was to provide a central hub of sorts for the main themes of my content across platforms. I will post on the blog about fashion, lifestyle, cozy antics, adventures, and more. As I mentioned there will also soon be a shop, where I will sell originals, prints, stickers, and bookmarks of my art should you feel particularly connected to any of my little teabag universes. I want this website to feel like sitting down with a friend in a warm cafe while the wind blusters outside, with a mug of tea warming your fingers as you chat. Too specific? Perhaps. But a feeling I strive to nonetheless. Thank you for being here dear friends!

Warm hugs,

- Faith

I want this website to feel like sitting down with a friend in a warm cafe while the wind blusters outside, with a mug of tea warming your fingers as you chat.
— my hope for this space.

A Heartfelt Goodbye to a Transformative Autumn