Recent Reviews


It’s that time again for another “recent reviews” segment! It’s been a bit since the last one, so I’m excited to dig into the details of a few things with you. :) Full disclosure, I haven’t had an abundance of time for any of these three categories, but over the past two months I’ve finished a few things that I felt earned a spot in the blog.

Film Reviews:

We Have Always Lived In The Castle

After reading this book last autumn, I knew that the movie was high-up on my watch list. (hello - that cast!!) One balmy spring evening when Austin and I couldn’t figure out what to watch, I finally remembered that this one was on the docket and made the executive decision. Now, as a side note, I loved this book dearly. It was charming and spooky and just perfectly odd. So my expectations for this film were high and sadly not met. It felt awkwardly done, and although the acting was lovely, the execution didn’t live up to my love for the book.

Boston Strangler

When I first saw the previews of this film, I immediately put it down on my list. We watched it the first weekend it was available to stream. I am a huge true crime junkie - for years now - so this film was entirely up my alley. Not to mention our love Kiera Knightley at the center of it! I thoroughly enjoyed this film. The acting was phenomenal and the scenes felt atmospheric and packed with meaning. This movie was very similar in feel to The Zodiac, which is one of my favorite true crime films. All in all this gets five stars from me!

T.V. Reviews:

Season 5 of “The Crown”

We were very much in the midst of Game of Thrones when the new season of The Crown came out, but we finally got around to it this spring! Just in time for the final season to air this year. It, like the rest of the seasons, was phenomenally done. But I will say that as the show’s chronology approaches present-day, I do think it loses some allure. The first two seasons remain my favorite.

Murder She Wrote

When I was around 10 or 11, I received the the complete box-set of Murder She Wrote DVDs for my birthday, along with a small DVD player that could be plugged into our laptop. I adored the show, and watched it religiously for the next few years, but as time passed I moved on to other things. This spring, as I was searching for a new comfort show, I remembered my old friend Jessica Fletcher.

Coming back to this show almost ten years later has been beyond comforting and heart-warmimg. I love that is doesn’t have the gore or drama that modern TV does. I love that it’s now cheesy and predictable, even if it wasn’t when it came out. I love Jessica’s constant kindness and wisdom in the face of spiteful and vindictive people. It has reminded me of the heroine I looked up to for so long as a kid. <3

The Anthropocene Reviewed

The Anthropocene Reviewed was my second book of 2023. Lately I’ve been on a nonfiction kick, and I was very excited when it came time to pick this one up. Like most of my generation, I read John Green’s books while in my most impressionable years. My favorites were The Fault in our Stars and Turtles All the Way Down. He and his brother, Hank, run the Crash Course YouTube channel that I think educated me more than 12 years of teachers did. Needless to say, both Green brothers hold a very special place in my heart.

This book felt like a hug. It felt like John Green was my older brother, and we were sitting on the sofa, he chatting about his recent ramblings on life. It covers topics from the Indy 500 to sycamore trees, each chapter a small delve into John Green’s philosophies on life. He wrote The Anthropocene Reviewed during the pandemic, and the slight fear and panic bleeds into the text as well. It’s an emotional submersion that left me feeling vulnerable in the most comforting way.

p.s. Hank Green, John’s brother and mentioned above, was recently diagnosed with cancer. This broke my heart, and I honestly felt heavy for days (and still do when I let myself linger on it). He states his prognosis is good, and asks that if anyone feels like taking action, donations be made to the Crash Course channel. I have made my donation, here is the link if you would like to do the same. <3


This was my fiction book of choice after The Anthropocene Reviewed. It was not a fast read, and took me about two months all and all in-between my busy schedule. It had a very slow, but atmospheric beginning. The best way I can describe McEwan’s writing in the beginning is like a luxury perfume - stunning, fragrant, beautiful, but sometimes overpowering. I had to micro-dose the first 100 pages, but I felt this allowed me to absorb it all more completely.

This story is simultaneously heartbreaking and endearing right up until the very end. I can’t say much without trespassing in the realm of spoilers, but if you’re looking for a true saga, this one is for you.

So there it is, most of what kept me occupied February-April. Comment below if you have any questions, and I look forward to catching you up again in the next Recent Reviews. Warm hugs as always,

- Faith Xx


In The Details 5-19-23


A Much Needed Life Update